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Northbridge Fire Department

Northbridge, MA

29,800 ft2

Northbridge had never designed or built a fire station in their 250 year history,  always using garages and other buildings as their headquarters. This facility gives the fire department a permanent home, reflects back on their history as a mill town, houses their entire program needs and fleet of vehicles, and allows them room to expand and grow into the future. 

The Northbridge Fire Department is a one story, five bay station building with a mezzanine level and a four story hose tower. We proposed inventive strategies such as bidding with add alternates, having a technical school consider the "out building" and inventively structured the facility with simple trades and simple building volumes to make it more affordable, while inserting design where we could. The end result is the first fire station designed and built for a small town, that came in on budget that will stand the test of time with it's durable surfaces and systems. We are very proud of this facility and what it reflects on the town and our commitment. 


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